Abundant Life Bible Church supports the following ministries and missionaries:

The Davis Family

Pink and Selena Davis are missionaries to New Zealand. They serve with Biblical Ministries Worldwide and are church planters in the city of Lower Hutt. To give to and support the Davis family and their work in New Zealand, please go to:

Pink & Selena Davis - BMW (biblicalministries.org)

The Mullens Family

Randy Mullens, who was the founding pastor of ALBC, and his wife Amy continue to use their gifts as part of a church-planting ministry in the United Kingdom. Randy currently serves as pastor of Community Church in Worcester, England. To give to and support the Mullens family and their work as church planters, please reach out to us at:

info@abundantlifebiblechurch.org | (484) 531-2120

Community Church Warndon | Worcester | Facebook


58ten is a community of Christians acting on behalf of orphans in Kenya, Africa. 58ten’s desire is to connect you with these orphans. We want to take you beyond simply sponsoring a child to sharing ownership of a gospel-proclaiming orphanage with other followers of Jesus. To give to and support the 58ten ministry, please go to:

58ten Website