
A question that is often asked when someone attends a church is “How can I get involved?” At ALBC the easiest way to get involved is to pursue membership as part of our church.

There are many metaphors that are used for the local church in the Bible, one of those being that of a family. Our desire as a church is to be bonded to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

At ALBC, there is a simple membership process overseen by the church elders.

The process incudes…

  • Attending a membership class which is designed to introduce prospective members to ALBC’s Statement of Faith, Church Covenant, and Church Constitution.

  • Sharing your testimony of how you came to be a believer in Jesus Christ.

  • Signing the Church Covenant.

  • And informing the current members of new members who have completed the membership process.

Simply put, if you are a believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are in agreement with the beliefs and practices of ALBC, you are eligible for church membership. If you have questions about membership at ALBC, or would like to learn more about our church, we would invite you to talk with one of the elders. They would love the opportunity to talk with you.